
Session 1: Fundamentals and intensive properties of Biomass Burning Aerosols

Convener: Dantong Liu, Zhejiang University

● Chemical composition and microphysical structure of biomass burning aerosols.
● Optical properties of biomass burning aerosols.
● Water interactions of biomass burning aerosols.
● Mixing state of biomass burning aerosols.
● Photochemical ageing of biomass burning organic aerosol.

Session 2: Observation and transport of Biomass Burning Aerosols

● Transport of biomass burning aerosols: Modelling and observation.
● Long-term and seasonal trends of biomass burning aerosol pollution.
● Evolution of biomass burning aerosols during transportation.
● Mitigation and control of biomass burning aerosols through technology, policy and behaviour.

Session 3: Climate effect of Biomass Burning Aerosols

● Interactions between biomass burning and radiation, clouds and dynamics.
● The effect of biomass burning on regional climates.
● Deposition and impacts of biomass burning on snow and ice.
● Parameterization of aerosols from burning biomass in climate models.

Session 4: Health effect of Biomass Burning Aerosols

● Toxicity and pathogenic mechanisms of biomass burning particles.
● In vitro, animal and acellular (e.g. oxidative potential) studies of biomass burning aerosols.
● Epidemiological study of adverse health effects of biomass burning aerosols.
● Evolution of toxicity of biomass burning aerosols during atmospheric ageing.


3rd Nov.

4th Nov.

5th Nov.


Registration Day

Opening Ceremony


Plenary talk

(5 Plenary talks)

Session 1-4

In parallel


Poster session

during coffee break





Session 1-4

In parallel


Poster session

during coffee break


(International collaboration and joint funding application)


Closing ceremony

(Closing Remarks)


Welcome Dinner